“Without a wish, without a will, / I stood upon that silent hill / And stared into the sky until / My eyes were blind with stars and still / I stared into the sky.”-Ralph Hodgson

nice day for a bloodbath

lack of post due to lack of camera. 
but its back from the shop now, all brand spank'n new. 
took these last wednesday with my friends SLR.

The beach


"the coldest winter I ever spent, was a summer in San Francisco....." 


* quote most commonly attributed to Mark Twain. 
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<------------------------------- MR. (e) T 


That random rubber chicken was hangin up in front of the house at the end of the party. The identity of the crazy mo-fo' who put it there remains unknown.....  

* jack kerouac quote image taken from this interesting little tumblr here

Oh hannah...

These are photos of my last night in Vietnam... a misfired bottle to the head by a working girl at a club landed my BBF with a couple'o stitches and some sneaky happy-snaps in the emergency ward. 
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