“Without a wish, without a will, / I stood upon that silent hill / And stared into the sky until / My eyes were blind with stars and still / I stared into the sky.”-Ralph Hodgson

The Artist is Present.

The 'Artist is Present' is a performance piece where Marina Abramovic invited visitors to come sit silently across from her, for a duration of their choosing, effectively allowing them to become participants in the piece itself. The performance ran for 3 months, beginning in March of this year and has attracted much praise and criticism. I'm not too sure why Abramovic chose to allow an audience to view the sittings, kind of adds a weird potentially inauthentic dimension to the connection made between the sitter and the artist. I could be wrong of course, since I don't live in New York and probably wouldn't be able to find an audience to watch me sit across from some artist stranger either. boo. Photographer Marco Anelli documented the performance by taking stellar potrait head shot of everyone who sat, check out the images
here. Some people became quite obsessed with the piece going back to sit with Abramovic more than once. An interview with a guy who went fourteen times can be found here. Spot any hotties in the portraits? this chick did.

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