Fifteen-year-old Risa lives in a teahouse in Kyoto, Japan
Four-year-old Kaya lives in an apartment in Tokyo, Japan
Seventeen-year-old, 'X' lives in a 'favela' in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Eight-year-old Harrison lives in a mansion in New Jersey, USA
This unnamed four-year-old boy lives on the outskirts of Rome, Italy. He and his family all sleep on the mattress in the photograph
Where the child sleep is a soon-to-be released photo-book by Chris Boot and shot by James Mollison. I think its concept of photographing childrens bedrooms (or lack thereof) from all over the world is just so wonderful. I wish I could transform my room into a ghetto-harijuku wonderland, I don't think I would ever leave.. enjoy!
The Tokyo & New Jersey photographs make me extremely upset/disturbed. What consumers children are becoming, having shit foisted on them.
ReplyDeletewow this is so interesting...wonderful, I would love to see the whole book!